Standard Features of an Above Knee Prosthesis

Socket – This is the part of the artificial limb that your stump (residual limb) fits into. It can be made of thermoplastic, metal or laminated material.
Knee Joint – There are various types of knee joint. Some are designed to swing; others are designed to stay in a locked position for walking but can be unlocked for sitting. Note: Prosthetic knee-joints are only used when your amputation is at a level through the natural knee-joint or higher up the leg.
Shin Tube – This lies between the prosthetic knee joint and the prosthetic foot. It is made of strong lightweight material such as carbon fibre, aluminium or titanium.
Prosthetic Foot & Ankle – There are many different types of feet and ankles available. Your individual needs will influence the choice made.
Cosmesis/Cover (not shown) – This a cosmetic cover that gives shape and appearance to the limb. Most artificial limbs are covered with a continuous foam tube that is shaped to match your remaining limb as closely as possible. It may then be covered with stockings.
Suspension (not shown) – This holds the artificial limb on to your stump. The type of suspension you need will be assessed when you are ready for your measurements to be taken.