Анна Волконская о коленном модуле Orion3 и косметическом протезе Regal
Анна пользуется коленным модулем Orion3 от Blatchford и косметической оболочкой руки Regal. Наша героиня перенесла ампутацию руки и ноги в 2005 и 2006 годах и несколько лет назад прошла протезирование в Endolite.
Анна преподаёт в МГУ, а в свободное время увлекается кинологией и ездит на выставки и соревнования со своими питомцами.
При таком активном образе жизни нужен надежный помощник: Анна отмечает, что Orion3 в этом плане полностью оправдал ее ожидания. Изделие одинаково стабильно работает в жару и холод, а аккумулятор ни разу не подводил. «Orion3 устойчивый, он будто думает за тебя», — рассказывает Анна.
Наша героиня отметила, что и протез Regal — не просто «косметика». Он очень выручает в бытовых делах.
«Всем пациентам Endolite, я желаю, во-первых, быстрее выздороветь, и чтобы скорее все зажило. А во-вторых, желаю всем найти цель. Собаки и новое хобби появилось у меня уже после ампутации», — рассказывает Анна.
Узнайте больше о современных косметических и бионических протезах — оставьте заявку на сайте или по телефону 8-800-770-73-46. Мы проконсультируем вас и расскажем, как можно получить протез за счет государства. Бесплатно.

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Покоряем склоны вместе с бионическим протезом Vincent Systems
Встать на лыжи после многолетнего перерыва – тот еще подвиг! Наши герои Светлана Чуракова и Кирилл Кольцов решили отточить технику движения и протестировать протезы Vincent Systems во время спусков на склоне.
«Ты чувствуешь свое тело таким, каким оно должно быть – и это помогает держать равновесие», – делится Светлана, которая носит Vincent Evolution 4. Кирилл также отметил надежность бионической кисти: «Vincent отлично справлялся с моими падениями. Он пережил все удары и не получил никаких повреждений. Сейчас он работает так же исправно»
Испытание снежной битвой протезы тоже прошли на отлично, ведь Vincent Evolution 4 не боится холода и влаги.
Узнайте больше о протезах Vincent Systems: оставьте заявку на сайте или позвоните по телефону 8-800-770-73-46. Мы проконсультируем вас и расскажем, как можно получить протез за счет государства. Бесплатно.

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Тест-драйв гидравлической стопы Blatchford Echelon
За 4 года Сергей сменил 5 карбоновых стоп – при его активном образе жизни прежние протезы быстро изнашивались. Получив на тест-драйв Blatchford Echelon, Сергей первым делом сел за руль. «Около полутора часов я катался по городу и понял, что новая стопа совсем не похожа на прошлые протезы. Никакого дискомфорта: ощущение, будто я нажимаю на педали собственной ногой», – делится герой.
Помимо этого, гидравлическая стопа Echelon отлично справляется с любыми типами поверхностей, в том числе наклонными, и позволяет чувствовать себя уверенно и безопасно при спуске и подъеме.
Узнайте больше о возможностях Blatchford: запишитесь на консультацию или позвоните по номеру: 8-800-770-73-46 (бесплатно по всей России), мы проконсультируем вас и расскажем, как можно организовать тест-драйв либо получение протеза за счет бюджета государства. Бесплатно.

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Vincent Evolution – протезы, которые выдержат любую взрослую работу и детскую игру
Vincent Evolution способны обучаться, адаптируясь к вашим потребностям, быть комфортными и выполнять непростые задачи.
Благодаря надежной защите от влаги, многосуставная кисть Vincent Evolution станет надежным помощником в повседневных делах, будь то мытье посуды или купание ребенка. С моделью Evolution 3+ можно находиться под проливным дождем без специальных перчаток и даже погружаться в воду до получаса.
С помощью искусственного интеллекта Vincent Evolution 4 буквально «запоминает» ваши привычки. Протез не боится ни высоких нагрузок, ни кропотливой работы с мелкими предметами
Узнайте больше о линейке Vincent Evolution: запишитесь на консультацию или позвоните по телефону 8-800-770-73-46 – мы проконсультируем вас и расскажем, как можно получить протез за счет государства. Бесплатно.
Другие новости и истории пациентов
Gareth’s Momentum Story

Ben was on tour in Afghanistan several years ago when he sustained a serious ankle injury. After multiple surgeries and considerable pain, Ben is now up and running again with a new Momentum brace from Blatchford.
A partial detonation of an improvised explosive device, in October 2011, shattered Ben’s calcaneus. Over the next few years he underwent several operations, initially to pin his heel together and then to fuse his sub-talar joint. He also had several Cortisone injections to ease the pain. Despite this, Ben’s mobility was severely restricted and even using a walking stick he was unable to walk further than a mile without excruciating pain.
After being born with Club Foot, the Momentum brace is helping Gareth enjoy golfing pain-free for the first time in years.
Gareth was born with Congenital Talipes Equino Varus (Club Foot), a condition where babies are born with one or both of their feet pointing downwards and turned inwards. In Gareth’s case, both of his feet were affected and he has undergone several operations throughout his life, leaving him with limited mobility and pain after physical activity.
Gareth’s favourite hobby is golfing; he loves to play and has done regularly for decades. However, the repetitive twisting motion involved has caused further problems with his left foot, leaving him in severe pain after each round of golf and for several days afterwards. Gareth tried various orthotic devices and joined a flat golf course. He also underwent 3 more surgeries and even considered amputation. Unfortunately, nothing Gareth tried helped with his pain and, in 2014 Gareth gave up his golf membership.
Shortly afterwards, Gareth heard about the Momentum brace. He saw videos of people with similar conditions to him able to run again pain-free after being fitted with Momentum. Momentum is an innovative custom carbon fibre AFO. Designed to partially offload the foot and ankle to stabilise and relieve pressure and pain following complex lower limb injury. With carbon fibre struts that work much like prosthetic running blades, it stores and returns energy to enable participation in high impact activities such as running.
Gareth visited Blatchford Clinic and was fitted with his Momentum. Soon after, Gareth’s wife, Julie, commented, “Gareth can’t thank the staff and Blatchford enough for the change it’s made to his life already and only a few weeks in wearing his brace! We only returned yesterday from our travels up North, to walk the Open Golf Championship course (in Royal Birkdale). Waking up yesterday with no pain whatsoever is only something Gareth has dreamed of, since being born with club feet. We’ve also been to the golf range, to formally try his golf swing, wearing the Momentum, again with no pain after!”
Gareth is now able to walk, stand for long periods and play golf with little to no pain or swelling in his foot. He is able to play golf on consecutive days, something he couldn’t have considered before wearing the Momentum due to the pain and recovery time needed. He was even able to run on a treadmill for the first time in 20 years. Gareth commented, “I wasn’t expecting such a great result from the Momentum; my pain has almost completely gone.”
More Information
- Momentum Clinic
- Momentum Offloading Brace
- About Blatchford
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Laura’s Momentum Story

The Momentum brace is helping Laura work towards her 2020 Tokyo Paralympic goals.
Laura was born with Congenital Talipes Equino Varus (Club Foot), a condition where babies are born with one or both of their feet pointing downwards and turned inwards. Laura’s CTEV is structural, involving the bones and joints of her left foot, restricting her range of movement. Due to the severity of Laura’s CTEV, she underwent 2 operations at a very young age, leaving her with an almost fused ankle and limited mobility and stability.
Despite her condition, Laura has always loved sports and excelled at hockey as a teenager; playing for the Wales Women’s National Field Hockey team. Laura was inspired by the 2012 London Paralympics after seeing an athlete competing in the sprint with the same condition as her. She went on to qualify for the World Athletic Championships and came 5th in both the 100m and 200m sprint races. Laura went on to win 2 bronze medals at the European Athletic Championships in 2014 and bronze and silver medals at the same event in 2016.
In 2016 Laura qualified for the Rio Paralympics and came 5th in both races, breaking the British record in her 200m sprint race. However due to her CTEV, Laura was struggling with pain and a lack of stability in her ankle which was causing it to buckle during training sessions. This problem was hindering her training and, therefore, her race times.
Whilst at the 2016 Rio Paralympics, Laura saw a competitor wearing a Momentum brace and realised the brace could help her with her own ankle problems. When she returned to the UK, Laura visited Blatchford Clinic and was provided with a bespoke Momentum brace in early 2017.
Momentum is an innovative custom carbon fibre Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO). Designed to partially offload the foot and ankle to stabilise and relieve pressure and pain following complex lower limb injury. With carbon fibre struts that work much like prosthetic running blades, it stores and returns energy to enable participation in high impact activities such as running.
Using Momentum, Laura is now able to train for much longer periods and over longer distances without any pain or having to worry about her ankle buckling, even when she is tired. She now also has a much more level stride whilst running which she hopes will prevent hip injuries in the future and enable her to improve her race times, with the ultimate goal of winning a medal at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics.
Laura commented, “It’s been great training in my Momentum; I feel secure, stable and much stronger whilst running. I’m hoping to wear it in my next competition.”
You can follow Laura’s progress on Twitter (@LauraSugar1) and Instagram (@laurasugar1).
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Emily’s Momentum Story

After breaking her ankle in a horse riding accident over 10 years ago, the Momentum brace is allowing Emily Briggs to run again.
In 2005, Emily’s ankle was crushed when she and the horse she was riding fell. Emily’s ankle was so badly damaged that she required several operations, in addition to joint injections and physiotherapy. She was unable to walk or stand for long periods of time without pain and spent months recovering with the aid of crutches and a wheelchair. As a last attempt to reduce her pain, Emily was considering having her ankle fused or even having her lower leg amputated.
In 2015, Emily discovered Momentum whilst searching the internet and social media for alternative treatment options for her ankle injury. Emily visited the Blatchford Clinic in Sheffield and a bespoke Momentum brace was manufactured on site in December 2015.
Momentum is a custom carbon fibre Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) which partially offloads pressure from the foot and ankle following a complex lower limb injury. The carbon fibre construction is lightweight yet strong, making the brace ideal for both daily use and high impact activities.
Using Momentum, Emily now walks for up to 4 hours every day as a dog walker and reached her goal of running several 5k runs, including the Parallel London event at the Olympic Park in September 2016. With her first 10k run coming in July Emily training hard and is a regular visitor to her local Park Run.

Emily commented, “I love my brace so much, it’s amazing. I’m in the gym every day, I can run and I’m able to walk over much tougher terrain than I’ve managed to in a long time. I can’t tell you what that means, it’s changing my life. I’m shocked at how easy it is to do day-to-day stuff when you’re not in pain; it had been so long that the pain had become normal.”
You can follow Emily on Instagram or Facebook.
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Matt’s Momentum Story

Matt Delany began his career as an infantry soldier for the British Army in 1989. He served in the army for four years until an accident in 1991 left him severely injured. Now in 2017, Matt works as a Social Worker and lives in Dartmoor with his wife Michaela. Both enjoy spending their free time exploring the breath taking walks over the hills and valleys which Somerset has to offer.
In 1991 Matt was on a tour of active duty with the Grenadier Guards in Northern Ireland. Whilst on a foot patrol in South Armagh, Matt and his colleagues came under fire and Matt sustained a serious injury to his leg after jumping over a nearby wall and landing on uneven ground. With a fractured tibia and fibula, Matt underwent several unsuccessful surgeries to try and manipulate the fractures back into position before his bones were fixed in place with metal fittings.
After several years of recurrent pain, infection, neuroma’s and multiple surgeries including subtalar and ankle joint fusion, Matt began to consider the possibility of amputation and contacted the British Limbless Ex-Service Men’s Association (BLESMA) for advice on the prosthetic options that were available to ex-service personnel. He was told by them that there was a new ankle foot orthosis that may be an option for him, Momentum, which works by reducing the forces acting upon the foot and ankle, taking the patients weight partially through a custom made knee cuff, much the same as a below knee prosthetic would do.
Naturally, Matt was sceptical about the brace. After years of promises from surgeons claiming that surgery would relieve him symptoms, Matt explained that he was trying the brace as a final option before having an elective amputation.
In July 2015, Matt met Nicole Bennett, Clinical Lead Orthotist, at Blatchford Clinic in Basingstoke to be cast for the brace and he returned to Basingstoke in early August to take delivery. Matt admits that he didn’t believe it would help. However, when he put the brace on it immediately felt different.
On 1 March 2016, after being off work for 6 years, Matt went back to work for Devon County Council. There were no workplace adaptations or adjustments required. Matt is able to operate in his work place completely unencumbered by his injury and his complex medical history and disabilities are now behind him. It’s somewhat appropriate then, that he now works as part of the community enabling team working with people with long- term medical conditions.
Nicole Bennett, Blatchford Clinical Lead Orthotist at Headley Court, clinically led this project and after trialling a number of different carbon fibre lay-ups, Blatchford formally launched the Momentum, military spec, carbon fibre AFO that is both light- weight and robust enough to withstand the forces generated through running, jumping and other dynamic endurance activities.
“It has been a privilege to be part of Matt’s journey and to see him go from strength to strength over the last 18 months. When Matt arrived in our clinic he was in severe pain, disheartened, and very sceptical. Having endured years of interventions which sadly gave limited success I fully understood and empathised with his scepticism. I have treated injured military personnel with similar injuries successfully using the Momentum brace, so I was quietly confident after our assessment that we would be able to improve Matt’s pain and function.
When Matt came to Basingstoke to fit his Momentum Brace for the first time I think we were both anxious yet excited about how it would go. I have found over the years the first few laps of the clinic room can be a bit like marmite. Some patients initially dislike what feels at the time like a very rigid brace, whilst others literally put it on and stride up and down the clinic with a gleaming smile across their face. For those who struggle initially often some basic gait re-education soon changes their initial perceptions. However Matt was one of those who put it on and off he went! He got a feel for it very quickly and we all knew this was going to be a game changer for him and his abilities.
Through hard working following his rehabilitation programme he not only smashed his own rehabilitation goals, but has set new life challenges which far exceed his and most certainly my expectations looking back at the man I met in July 2015.”
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Will’s Custom Leg Brace Story

After sustaining a gunshot wound while serving with the British Army, Will Seers feels like he is on his way to getting his old life back thanks to his lightweight and bespoke carbon fibre leg brace, made by Blatchford.
In 2012, whilst serving in the military, Will suffered a gunshot wound to his abdomen. This wound caused Will a number of serious injuries, including the loss of mobility in his left leg. Will has undergone various surgeries and rehab but will never regain a high level of mobility in his leg without orthotic intervention.
After leaving the Army, Will visited the Blatchford Clinic in Sheffield and a new light-weight carbon fibre leg brace, designed specifically to help Will to cycle, was recommended and manufactured by Francesca Makey, Senior Orthotist, and our expert technicians in Sheffield. The brace is manufactured using the latest technology in composite materials, which are considerably lighter, thinner and stronger than conventional materials used within orthotic manufacture. The brace features a flexible knee joint to allow Will to bend his leg to cycle, but also lock when needed to allow him to get on and off his bike safely.
Before his injury, Will was a keen cyclist, going out on a regular basis and often travelled with his friends to try out new and exciting mountain bike trails across the country. Cycling was something Will was keen to get back to after his injury and his new streamline brace will allow him to do that.
Will commented, “This brace is seriously fantastic! It has enabled me to get back on a bike again, giving me a snippet of my former life back. I can now get back out with my friends and family again and this has really helped me.”
Will was excited to take his new brace to Planet X, a bike specialist and manufacturer in Sheffield, to undergo a professional bike fitting which uses infra-red LEDs and 3D scanning to ensure the optimal bike-fit and riding position.
With his rehabilitation nearing completion, Will is looking forward to using his new brace to cycle again and is even hoping to enter some biking competitions with disabled teams.
More Information
- Learn more about Momentum Brace
- About Blatchford